Land Ice and Snow
The cryosphere covers a large amount of the Earth's surface and is subject to strong inter-annual changes and a high variability. Especially in mountain regions, the dynamic of snow accumulation and ablation is important for human life and ecosystem services amongst others. Depending on latitude, elevation and climate, water runoff, and therefore water supply for irrigation, tourism and power generation derives mostly from snow and to some extent from glaciers. Furthermore, the cryosphere is an essential component in the climate system and is of great interest to the research community. Only remote sensing of snow, ice and glaciers by means of satellite sensors can give us a detailed view on the dynamics and long-term changes of snow and ice covered regions. The EARSeL Special Interest Group on Land Ice and Snow (SIG LIS) aims to bundle methodological and application-oriented research activities in this thematic field. The workshops shall provide a platform for scientific exchange and discussion on a variety of related topics.

View from the Jungfraujoch on the Aletsch Glacier

Local receiving station in Bern
The SIGs intention is to bring the community related to remote sensing of ice and snow together and offer space and time for lively discussions during the workshops. Our intention is to avoid the rapid fire talks of huge conferences and keep the focus on interaction and extended presentations. In addition, applications and operational usage of snow and ice products from regional to continental scale should find an audience interested in operational products and processes. Hence, the SIG welcomes contributions from users, service providers and value adding industry, too.
Last event:
at the Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland, 6–8 February 2023.