
Manager of EARSeL LinkedIn page

EARSeL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories) is looking for a young
member/PhD Student/young researcher with a background in Remote Sensing and in
social media for the management of the LinkedIn page of the association.

The tasks of the manager of the EARSeL page are to regularly update and feed the
LinkedIn page of the association with news, events and opportunities in the earth
observation domain. The goal is also to make the page as attractive as possible.

The LinkedIn page manager will work in close collaboration with the EARSeL webmaster
and will be in contact with the EARSeL Secretariat and the EARSeL Bureau.

A contract will be signed between EARSeL and the LinkedIn page manager. A honorary
is proposed and an annual activity report will have to be send by the LinkedIn page
manager to the EARSeL Bureau.

The contract would start in the first quarter of 2018.

If interested, please send your CV and letter of motivation to the EARSeL
Secretariat on secretariat@earsel.org before December 1st, 2017.