Preface |
Hidrology and water resource management |
Brazilian Forest Code: an intriguing framework for designing. worldwide
protected areas Carlos Ribeiro, Vicente Soares, José Gleriani,
Marcelo Chaves, Alexandre Lorenzon, Kelly Barros, Fabricio Costa, Gustavo
Marcatti, Nero Castro, Getúlio Domingues, Julianne Oliveira |
1-14 |
Inundation monitoring through high-resolution SAR/InSAR data and 2D
hydraulic simulations Alberto Refice, Guido Pasquariello, Annarita
D'Addabbo, Fabio Bovenga, Raffaele Nutricato, Domenico Capolongo, Annarita
Lepera, Luca Pietranera, Salvatore Manfreda, Andrea Cantisani, Aurelia Sole
15-22 |
Contribution of Earth Observation to Hydro-meteorological Risk Management
in Romania Gheorghe Stancalie, Vasile Craciunescu, Argentina
Nertan, Anisoara Irimescu |
23-32 |
Monitoring of surface waters of mountainous Polish river with the use of
MONERIS and SWAT models Monika Tomaszewska, Małgorzata Stolarska,
Zbigniew Bochenek
33-42 |
Exploiting noisy hyperspectral bands for water analysis Daniele Cerra, Peter Gege, Rupert Müller, Peter Reinartz |
43-48 |
Developing Countries |
A Web Client for fire monitoring in support to protected areas management in Africa. A Web Client on fire activity for biodiversity
Ilaria Palumbo, Bart Verbeeck, Marco Clerici, Jean-Marie Grégoire
49-58 |
Remote Mapping of Gas Flares in the Niger Delta with MODIS imagery
Obinna C.D Anejionu, Alan Blackburn and Duncan Whyatt
59-68 |
Remote sensing as a data source in a resource-limited context: species distribution modelling of invasive cattle ticks in West Africa
E.M. De Clercq, S.O. Vanwambeke
69-80 |
Application of an automatic rice mapping system to extract phenological information from time series of MODIS imagery in African environment: first results of Senegal case study
Giacinto Manfron, Mirco Boschetti, Roberto Confalonieri, Valentina Pagani, Francesco Nutini, Federico Filipponi, Alberto Crema, Pietro A Brivio
81-88 |
3. Space Technology and Missions |
Biomass: new mission selected as the 7th ESA Earth Explorer Mission
Florence C. Hélière, Franco Fois, Chung-Chi Lin, Klaus Scipal, Marco Arcioni, Paolo Bensi, Malcolm Davidson, Pierluigi Silvestrin, Mark R. Drinkwater, Roland Meynart
89-98 |
Spatio-temporal constraints for emissivity and surface temperature retrieval: preliminary results and comparisons for SEVIRI and IASI observation
Marilena Amoroso, Italia De Feis, Guido Masiello, Carmine Serio, Sara Venafra, Philip Watts
99-110 |
Comparative analysis of Pléiades and other VHR images in quantitative and visual evaluation
Gizella Nádor, István László
111-122 |
Sentinel-2 Level 1 Products and Image Processing Performances
S. J. Baillarin, A. Meygret, C. Dechoz, B. Petrucci, S. Lacherade, T. Tremas, C. Isola, P. Martimort, F. Spoto
123-134 |
The Prisma Hyperspectral Mission
Ettore Lopinto, Cristina Ananasso
135-146 |
The Saber Project: satellite broadband for European Regions
Mario A Gomarasca, Vittorio Vallero
147-154 |
4. Radar Remote Sensing |
Quality assessment of TanDEM-X Raw DEMs oriented to a fusion with CartoSAT-1 DEMs
JCristian Rossi, Michael Eineder, Thomas Fritz, Pablo d’Angelo, Peter Reinartz
155-164 |
Characteristics of Airborne and Spaceborne Height Models
Karsten Jacobsen
165-172 |
Ground-based SAR interferometry as a supporting tool in natural and man-made disaster
Andrea Di Pasquale, Marco Corsetti, Pietro Guccione, Andrea Lugli, Marco Nicoletti, Giovanni Nico, Mariantonietta Zonno
173-186 |
Persistent scatterer interferometry based on COSMO-SkyMed imagery
Pietro Milillo, Agram Piyush Shanker, Stefania Pascale, Carmine Serio, Francesco Sdao
187-194 |
A short overview on the use of optical satellite data in atmospheric corrections for satellite InSAR applications
Rosa Lasaponara, Antonio Lanorte
195-208 |
Satellite-based TS Diagrams derived from SMOS, Aquarius and OSTIA data
Marlene Klockmann, Roberto Sabia, Diego Fernández-Prieto, Craig Donlon, Marco Talone, Jordi Font
209-218 |
Contribution of polarimetric SAR attributes for modeling of the tropical forest biomass affected by fire
João R. Santos, Flora da Silva Ramos Vieira Martins, Lênio Soares Galvão, Haron Magalhães Abrahim Xaud
219-226 |
Soil moisture estimation by using active microwave measurements and support vector regression (SVR)
Thomas Katagis, Diego Fernández-Prieto, Mattia Marconcini, Wouter Dorigo
227-234 |
5. Geologic & Seismic Applications |
Experimentation of different techniques to extract DSM from EROS B imagery in a post seismic scenario
Valerio Baiocchi, Donatella Dominici, Maria Vittoria Milone and Martina Mormile
235-242 |
Provision of the Geomorphology Mapping in the study of environmental impact of the roofless mines of the vicinity of jebal Sehib – Southwest of Tunisia
Nabil Gasmi, Alberto Marini, Davide Tocco, Boussairi Boujlel and Slim Aliouet
243-254 |
Dynamic GIS and Remote Sensing for the diagnosis and geological monitoring of catchment areas
Vincenzo Barrile, Giuliana Bilotta, Giuseppe M. Meduri
255-262 |
Multispectral automatic feature extraction methodologies comparison
Valerio Baiocchi, Raffaella Brigante, Donatella Dominici, Maria Vittoria Milone and Fabio Radicioni
263-276 |
6. Urban Remote Sensing |
Urban air pollution assessment through satellite and in-situ data in relation with health aspects
Maria A Zoran, Mariana Rodica Dida
277-284 |
TASI-600 high resolution airborne thermal data for accurate materials detection in urban scenarios
Simone Pascucci, Angelo Palombo, Maria Daraio, Stefano Pignatti, Federico Santini, Giovanni Laneve
285-292 |
Urban Detection Using Decision Tree Classifier: a case study
Sara Steffenino, Irene Angeluccetti, Franca Disabato
293-302 |
Assessing the dynamic expansion of urban areas from space (part I): using Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery and geospatial analysis
Gabriele Nolè, Beniamino Murgante, Antonio Lanorte and Rosa Lasaponara
303-310 |
Assessing land cover change and soil consumption from space (part II): using Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery and Support Vector Machine
Gabriele Nolè, Beniamino Murgante, Giuseppe Calamita, Antonio Lanorte and Rosa Lasaponara
311-320 |
Using data fusion to update built-up areas of the 2012 European. High-Resolution Layer Imperviousness
Antoine Lefebvre, Nicolas Beaugendre, Alexandre Pennec, Christophe Sannier, Thomas Corpetti
321-328 |
Identifying multi-decadal changes of the Sao Paulo urban agglomeration with mixed remote sensing techniques: spectral mixture analysis and night lights
Reinaldo P. Pérez Machado, Christopher Small
329-342 |
The high-resolution computer models and the information system in the heat balance of the city.
Tiziana Cardinale, Silvia Di Turi
343-352 |
Modeling and observation of heat losses from buildings. The impact of geometric details in 3D heat flux modeling
Danbi Lee, Peter Pietrzyk, Sjors Donkers, Vera Liem, Jelte van Oostveen, Sina Montazeri, Roeland Boeters, Jerome Colin, Pierre Kastendeuch, Françoise Nerry, Massimo Menenti, Ben Gorte, Edward Verbree
353-372 |
Urban land-cover mapping with hyperspectral data by means of data reduction techniques and machine learning classifiers
Luca Demarchi, Claude Cariou, Giorgio Licciardi, Frank Canters, Jonathan Cheung-Wai Chan
373-378 |
7. Sea and Snow/Ice monitoring |
Rogue waves in the sea: towards the efficient use of remote sensing
Irina Nikolkina, Ira Didenkulova
379-384 |
Designing an effective monitoring system based on satellite sensor for the oil spills detection in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
Giovanni Laneve, Giancarlo Santilli, Pablo Marzialetti, Lorenzo Fusilli
385-398 |
Automatic avalanche mapping using texture classification of optical satellite imagery
Siri Øyen Larsen, Arnt-Børre Salberg, Rune Solberg
399-410 |
Microwave scattering signature of snowpack – 5 years of snowscat observation experiments
Chung-Chi Lin, Björn Rommen, Nicolas Floury, Dirk Schuettemeyer, Malcolm Davidson, Michael Kern, Anna Kontu, Juha Lemmetyinen, Jouni Pulliainen, Andreas Wiesmann, Charles Werner, Christian Maetzler, Martin Schneebeli, Martin Proksch, Thomas Nagler, Helmut Rott
411-424 |
Identification of snow covered surfaces using SAR images in Los Andes of Argentina and Chile
Giovanna Argento, Graciela S. Salmuni
425-436 |
8. Pleiades |
Green infrastructure mapping within an urban context using Pleiades HR over Strasbourg
Jérôme Maxant, Henri Giraud, Stephen Clandillon, Colette Meyer, Paul De Fraipont
437-444 |
Pleiades system is fully operational in orbit
Alain Gleyzes, Lionel Perret, Eric Cazala-Houcade
445-460 |
Pleiades and its users thematic commissioning
Claire Tinel, Delphine Fontannaz, Hélène De Boissezon
461-466 |
Monteverdi 2.0 - Remote sensing software for Pleiades images analysis
Manuel Grizonnet, Julien Michel
467-476 |
Potential of PLEIADES VHR imagery for risks management and sustainable reconstruction in Haiti: the KAL-HAITI research database example
Delphine Fontannaz, Alain Giros, Bernard Allenbach
477-484 |
Environmental observatory of sensitive habitats, using Pleiades HR data, contributing to biodiversity protection: case of the Common Hamster in Alsace, France
Jérôme Maxant, Stéphanie Battiston, Claire Tinel, Paul De Fraipont
485-490 |
Contribution of Pleiades HR imagery for disaster damage mapping: initial feedback over Asia, Africa, Europe or the Caribbean
Jérôme Maxant, Catherine Proy, Delphine Fontannaz, Stephen Clandillon, Bernard Allenbach, Hervé Yesou, Stéphanie Battiston, Carlos Uribe, Paul De Fraipont
491-498 |
Qualitative assessment of four DSM generation approaches using Pleiades-HR data
Arnaud Durand, Julien Michel, Carlo de Franchis, Bernard Allenbach, Alain Giros
499-510 |
9. Temporal Analysis |
Time series satellite data for spatio-temporal analysis of land cover biogeophysical parameters in Bucharest metropolitan area in Romania
Maria A Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru
511-520 |
Satellite analysis of vegetation cover for the enhancement of natural areas
Vito Imbrenda, Maria Lanfredi, Dimitri Dello Buono, Rosa Coluzzi, Tiziana Simoniello
521-528 |
Habitat mapping and monitoring in Alpine regions using multi-temporal RapidEye data
Anastasia Polychronaki, Nadine Spindler, Barbara Stoinschek, Alexander Schmidt, Marc Zebisch, Kathrin Renner, Claudia Notarnicola and Ruth Sonnenschein
529-534 |
Investigating satellite SPOT VEGETATION multitemporal NDVI maps for land degradation monitoring in the Basilicata Region: Preliminary Results from the MITRA project
A. Lanorte, A. Aromando, F. De Santis and R. Lasaponara
535-542 |
10. Land Use/ Land Cover |
From European to regional management of mining waste deposits: adapting to Walloon specificities
Nathalie Stephenne, Christophe Frippiat, Mathieu Veschkens, Daniel Pacyna
543-550 |
The EAGLE concept - A vision of a future european land monitoring framework
Stephan Arnold, Barbara Kosztra, Gebhard Banko, Geoff Smith, Gerard Hazeu, Michael Bock, Nuria Valcarcel Sanz
551-568 |
Integration of Earth observation and in-situ data for landscape change analysis. A case study of an area affected by a bauxite residue spill in Veszprém province, Hungary
Ida Fasching, Francesco Vuolo
569-580 |
Classification of functional land use classes in several tens of urban areas in the Czech Republic from aerial photographs
Lena Halounova, VojtěchHron, VladimírHolubec, Vitalij Kostin and MiroslavTěhle
581-588 |
The integration of remote sensing and GIS data in the control of agricultural subsidies in Hungary
István László
589-598 |
Use of spectral and structural features of objects for land use mapping based on satellite imagery
Malgorzata Krowczynska
599-604 |
11. Forestry & Natural Environment |
LAI retrieval from SPOT Vegetation in Mediterranean basins
Benedetto Figorito, Eufemia Tarantino, Gabriella Balacco, Andrea Gioia, Vito Iacobellis
605-612 |
Evapotranspiration of partially vegetated surfaces from remote sensing
Luis Octavio Lagos, Mario Lillo-Saavedra, David Fonseca, Consuelo Gonzalo
613-624 |
Spatial variability of rape yields reduction due to the winter warming and frost events – case study Poland
Dariusz Ziolkowski, Alicja Malinska
625-634 |
The vegetation condition changes near Chernobyl based on Landsat TM
Aneta Modzelewska, Anna M. Jarocinska, Paulina Pochrybniak, Marek Mostowski
635-640 |
Assessment of Biomass in Magra and Dhanaulti reserve Forest (Missouri Forest, INDIA) using Remote Sensing and GIS
Mohamed Ghabi, K. K. Das
641-646 |
Use of ALOS satellite data to estimate volume and biomass in an eucalyptus plantation located in the state of Minas Gerais - Brazil
Vicente P Soares, Fernando S Oliveira, Carlos A. A. S. Ribeiro, , José M Gleriani
647-654 |
Adaptation of agricultural and conservation management to protect biodiversity against climate change effects
Ákos Malatinszky, Szilvia Ádám
655-660 |
Spatial characterization of evapotranspiration. A study at a field scale
Mario Lillo-Saavedra, David Fonseca, Octavio Lagos, Consuelo Gonzalo
661-666 |
Fostering the payment for environmental services in Brazil – a fair review of the Itaipu binacional’s royalties policy
Carlos Antonio Alvares Soares Ribeiro, Vicente Paulo Soares, José Marinaldo Gleriani, Marcelo de Ávila Chaves, Alexandre Simões Lorenzon, Kelly de Oliveira Barros, Fabrício Rodrigues Costa, Gustavo Eduardo Marcatti, Nero Lemos Martins de Castro, Getútlio Fonseca Domingues, Julianne de Castro Oliveira
667-674 |
12. Forest Fire |
Forest recolonization monitoring based on HR and VHR imagery: the case of the Maido forest fire exploiting Pleiades HR and SPOT Kalideos database
Mathilde Caspard, Hervé Yesou, Arnaud Selle, Arnaud Durand, Claire Tinel, Stephen Clandillon, Paul de Fraipont
675-690 |
Satellite MODIS analysis for assessing fire severity: results obtained for the case study of Pisticci (Matera, Italy) in the framework of MITRA project
Antonio Lanorte, Fortunato De Santis, Angelo Aromando and Rosa Lasaponara
691-698 |
Study of Sentinel-3/SLSTR suitability for estimating active fire parametres
Abel Calle
699-706 |
The inventory of forest fires in Europe from satellite images forest fires in Europe
Monika Mieczyk, Małgorzata Mycke-Dominko
707-710 |
Development of a vegetation damage severity index for the Italian hyperspectral sensor PRISMA
Roberto de Bonis, Giovanni Laneve
711-724 |
Forest fire categorization using remote sensing methods
Malgorzata Mycke-Dominko, Elzbieta Wołk-Musiał
725-730 |
Remote sensing estimation of vegetation moisture for the prediction of fire hazard
Carmine Maffei, Massimo Menenti
731-740 |
13. Methods & Instruments |
Extreme-Wind Observation Capability for a Next Generation Satellite Wind Scatterometer Instrument
Chung-Chi Lin, Franco Fois, Marc Loiselet, Graeme Mason, Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff, Ad Stoffelen, Maria Belmonte-Rivas, Christophe Accadia, Paul S. Chang, Paris W. Vachon
741-752 |
A strategy to improve quality and speed of multi-scale high-resolution image analysis through superpixels
Ángel M. García-Pedrero, Consuelo Gonzalo-Martín, Mario Lillo-Saavedra, Dionisio Rodríguez-Esparragón
753-760 |
Efficient multidirectional satellite image fusion based on Shearlet Transform
Alberto Pizarro-Rubio, Consuelo Gonzalo-Martín, Mario Lillo-Saavedra
761-772 |
Site-dependent classes for the classification of intertidal sediments
Elsy Ibrahim, Jaak Monbaliu
773-782 |
Unsupervised multiscale ROIs determination for supervised thematic classification
Consuelo Gonzalo-Martín, Mario Lillo-Saavedra, Juan Gómez-Carpintero, Ángel M. García-Pedrero, Ernestina Menasalvas
783-790 |
An application of object-based analysis of satellite imagery on waste
Vincenzo Barrile, Giuliana Bilotta, G.M. Meduri
791-798 |
Quantitative and qualitative potential of shelterbelts. Ground measurements of shelterbelts with laser scanner
Andrzej Kijowski, Maciej Nowak
799-804 |
The σ-IASI-β.
Giuseppe Grieco, Carmine Serio, Guido Masiello
805-822 |
Aerial imagery and geographic information systems used in the asbestos removal process in Poland
Malgorzata Krowczynska, Ewa Wilk
823-828 |
UAV flight plan software: first implementation of UP23d
Valerio Baiocchi, Donatella Dominici, Michael Elaiopoulos, Vincenzo Massimi, Martina Mormile, Elisa Rosciano
829-842 |
Ground-level spectroscopy analyses and classification of coral reefs using a hyperspectral camera
Tamir Caras, Arnon Karnieli
843-848 |
14. Cultural Heritage |
Some using of airborne laser scanning in archaeology
Karel Pavelka, Martina Faltynova, Zdenka Bila, Zdenek Svec
849-856 |
Archaeological investigations with TLS and GPR surveys and geomatics techniques
Vincenzo Barrile, Giuliana Bilotta, Giuseppe M. Meduri
857-864 |
Cartographic visualization of tourist expanse based on remote sensing and GIS
Elżbieta Wołk-Musiał, Malgorzata Mycke-Dominko, Łukasz Krześniak
865-868 |
Archaeological risk and spatial analysis. How to compare urban sprawl and archaeological sensibility maps
Maria Danese, Nicola Masini, Beniamino Murgante
869-874 |
Ancient land divisions in the territory of Hierapolis in Phrygia and Nicaea (Turkey): the contribution of multitemporal satellite images to the discovery and study
Giuseppe Scardozzi
875-886 |
15. Climate Change & Metereology |
Satellite map series of long-term elevation changes on Eurasia’s Northernmost ice caps
Aleksey I. Sharov, Dmitry B. Nikolskiy
887-902 |
Spatial distribution of aerosol pollution based on MODIS and in-situ data over Bucharest urban area, Romania
Maria A Zoran, Roxana Savastru, Dan Savastru, Marina Nicoleta Tautan
903-910 |
The BIO_SOS European Initiative for Habitat Monitoring
P. Blonda, P. Dimopoulos, R.H.G. Jongman, S. Mucher, H. Nagendra, D. Iasillo, A. Arnaud, P. Mairota, J.P. Honrado, E.Padoa-Schioppa, R. Lucas, Peter Bunting, L. Durieux, S. Bollanos, L. Candela, J. Inglada, I. Manakos
911-920 |
Assessment of geographical effects of climate change in Hungary with remote sensing methods
Ferenc Kovács
921-928 |
Application of the Surface Energy Balance System Model (SEBS) for mapping evapotranspiration of extensively used river valleys with wetland vegetation
Sylwia Szporak-Wasilewska, Jan Szatyłowicz, Tomasz Okruszko, Stefan Ignar
929-942 |