10th EARSeL workshop on Land Ice and Snow
Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere:
methods and applications from regional to global scale
Call for Papers
You are cordially invited to attend the 10th Workshop on Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL), which will be held at the Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland, from 06 - 08 February 2023.

Bern – capital of Switzerland and UNESCO world heritage
With the current anthropogenic warming, the cryosphere is changing. There is a significant retreat and mass loss of glaciers in all mountains of the world. Moreover, Arctic sea ice, seasonal snow cover and permafrost are highly affected by the current and projected climate warming, which may result in significant changes of global atmospheric circulations as stated by the latest IPPCC AR6. Monitoring the cryospheric components and their behavior provides not only an effective indicator of climate change but allows to analyze the effects of these changes on water resources, ecosystems, and socioeconomic processes. Furthermore, remote sensing data are of great benefit to improve and validate climate models.
This workshop will focus on the latest developments in remote sensing of land ice and snow. Presentations are encouraged on all fields of research and applications with the focus on snow and ice as proxy for a changing cryosphere, methods for retrieving cryospheric parameters from various types of remote sensing data, theoretical basis of inversion methods and their application, state of the art of retrieval algorithms including deep learning, data assimilation of remote sensing data and in situ observations in process models, and current and planned sensors for snow and ice. Half of a day will be dedicated to the activities from ESA (CCI+) and EUMETSAT.
Papers will be presented orally and as posters. Contributions must comply with one of the workshop topics specified below. Please indicate under which session topic your contribution shall be presented.
Preliminary session topics
- Glaciers and Ice Caps
- Snow cover (regional to global scale)
- Snow and permafrost
- Snow hydrology
- Albedo of the cryosphere
- Cryosphere and climate
- Cryospheric modelling and data assimilation
- Airborne and ground-based observation methods
- New technologies (sensors/methods)
- Educational programs related to ice and snow
- ESA CCI+ snow
- EUMETSAT operational services
Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Dr. Julia Boike (AWI, Germany)
Permafrost and snow dynamic (title TBC) - Rodica Nitu (Global Cryosphere Watch, WMO) Global cryosphere watch – status and future plans
Dr. Carolina Adler (Mountain Research Initiative, Switzerland)
The mountain cryosphere in a changing climate: a view from within science-policy processes
Social events
- Icebreaker reception (Monday evening)
- Workshop dinner (Tuesday evening)
- Fun run (Tuesday, early morning)
Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Zuhal Akyurek | Middle East Technical University, Turkey |
Prof. Dr. Julia Boike | AWI, Helmholtz-Center for Polar- and Marine Research, Germany |
Dr. Sari Metsämäki | SYKE, Finland |
Dr. Colleen Mortimer | Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada |
Dr. Kathrin Nägeli | University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Rodica Nitu | Global Cryosphere Watch; WMO |
Dr. Claudia Notarnicola | EURAC, Italy |
Dr. Céline Portenier | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Dr. Patricia de Rosnay | ECMWF, Int |
Dr. Gabriela Schwaizer | ENVEO, Austria |
Dr. Anna-Maria Trofaier | Climate Office, ESA |
Dr. Helga Weber | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Dr. Clare Webster | University of Oslo, Norway |
Organisation Committee
Dr. Stefan Wunderle | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Dr. Céline Portenier | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Dr. Helga Weber | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Sonia Dupuis | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Elias Frey | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Heide Bierbrauer | EARSeL secretary |