3rd Student Workshop on Ecology and Optics of Coastal Zones

A Summer School jointly organised by:
and held in the premises of the Museum of the World Ocean
in Kaliningrad, Russia, on 10-13 July 2017.
Lecturer Meeting on 13 July, 14-17h
Lecturers and other interested participants met on 13 July afternoon for a strategy meeting. Focus will be on the creation of new educational material for different school and
university levels in natural sciences, mathematics and engineering, and for authorities responsible for monitoring and surveillance of the marine environment. The outcome was
a bundle of project ideas, to be elaborated by partner consortia, and submitted to national and European funding agencies. Elaboration of proposals will be done in late 2017.
The 3rd Student Workshop on Ecology and Optics of Coastal Zones was a 4-day education and training
event with a focus on optical oceanography and remote sensing of coastal waters.
It followed a workshop at the Museum of the World Ocean
in 2016, and a first workshop
at the White Sea, Republic of Karelia, in 2014.
The Workshop was intended for master and PhD students dealing with natural sciences and addressed the principles, methods and results of optical methods for measuring environmental parameters. It offers students the opportunity to meet international researchers and to gain first-hand experience in hydrography and coastal ecology, in environmental optics and remote sensing. Again, students had the opportunity to demonstrate their projects in oral and poster presentations.
Satellite images: Courtesy of ESA, NASA and Wikimedia Commons. Click on images to access the original websites.