Preface |
Symposium |
MON-1 Urban Remote Sensing - 1 |
Remote Sensing monitoring large-scale construction project
Vu, Tuong Thuy; Wickramasinghe, Darshana; Ahmed, Moataz; Maul, Tomas
1-8 |
Global Human Settlement Layer project of the EC JRC: basic concepts and results
Pesaresi, Martino; Ehrlich, Daniele
9 |
MON-3 Forestry Remote Sensing - 1 |
Estimating vertical canopy cover with dense point cloud data from matching of digital aerial photos
Granholm, Ann-Helen; Lindgren, Nils; Olofsson, Kenneth; Allard, Anna; Olsson, Hakan
10-15 |
Assimilating remote sensing data with forest growth models
Nystrom, Mattias; Lindgren, Nils; Wallerman, Jorgen; Ehlers, Sarah; Grafstrom, Anton; Muszta, Anders; Nystrom, Kenneth; Will¨¦n, Erik; Fransson, Johan E.S.; Bohlin, Jonas; Olsson, Hakan; Stahl, Goran
16-21 |
Decomposing multispectral forest signatures of satellite imageries by modelling radiative transfers based on structural data from terrestrial laser scanning
Schmidtner, Korbinian; Bremer, Magnus; Rutzinger, Martin
22-31 |
MON-4 3D Remote Sensing |
Globally Optimal DSM Fusion
Perko, Roland; Zach, Christopher M.
32-37 |
Geometric potential of Pleiades models with small base length
Jacobsen, Karsten
38-45 |
Mapping with Pleiades pan-sharpened images
Buyuksalih, Gurcan; Jacobsen, Karsten
46-53 |
The 0.4 arcsec TanDEM-X Intermediate DEM with respect to the SRTM and the ASTER global DEMs: extended
Vassilaki, Dimitra; Stamos, Thanasis
54-61 |
MON-5 Agriculture Remote Sensing |
Evapotranspiration mapping without thermal band using Random Forest
Gonzalo-Martin, Consuelo; Lillo-Saavedra, Mario; Garcia-Pedrero, Angel M.; Fonseca-Luengo, David; Lagos, Octavio; Menasalvas, Ernestina
62-67 |
A machine learning approach for agricultural parcel delimitation through agglomerative segmentation
Garcia-Pedrero, Angel Mario; Gonzalo-Martin, Consuelo; Lillo-Saavedra, Mario
68-73 |
MON-6 Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing - 1 |
Resolution enhancement Of Thermal Images Via Multitemporal Fusion Of Etherogeneous Data
Montone, Rita; Addesso, Paolo; Garella, Riccardo; Longo, Maurizio; Restaino, Rocco; Vivone, Gemine
74-79 |
TUE-1 LiDAR & RADAR Data Processing |
COSMO-SkyMed contribution in the polar regions
Daraio, Maria Girolamo; Battagliere, Maria Libera; Battazza, Fabrizio; Coletta, Alessandro
80-91 |
Iceberg tracking for ship routing
Carvajal Cortez, Gisela K.; Berg, Anders
92-97 |
TUE-2 UAVs & Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing |
Contemporary Data Acquisition Technologies for Large Scale Mapping
Oikonomou, Chrysa; Stathopoulou, Ellie; Georgopoulos, Andreas
98-104 |
TUE-3 Urban Remote Sensing - 2 |
Synergies Of Sentinel-1A SAR And Sentinel-2A MSI Data For Urban Ecosystem Mapping
Haas, Jan; Ban, Yifang
105-110 |
The dynamics of a city. Over 40 years of change in Bucharest and its detection in multitemporal satellite imagery
Aldea, Mihaela; Petrescu, Florian; Parlow, Eberhard; Iacoboaea, Cristina
111-117 |
TUE-5 Land Cover and Validation |
Integration of multiple spatial datasets in the development of a temporal series of high-accuracy, high-resolution land use maps
Huffman, Ted; Leckie, Don; McGovern, Mark; Olesen, Morten; Green, Melodie; Hill, David Allen; Rounce, Tamara; Churchill, James; Liu, Jiangui
118-125 |
Historical land cover change in Alberta and the effects of government intervention on future landscape alteration
Stan, Kayla Dawne; Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo
126-131 |
TUE-6 Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing - 2 |
Thermal Infra-Red Band Calibration and LST Validation of Landsat-7 ETM+ instrument using different atmospheric profiles
Skokovic, Drazen; Sobrino, Jos¨¦ Antonio; Jim¨¦nez-Mu?oz, Juan Carlos; S¨°ria, Guillem; Julien, Yves
132-137 |
Downscaling MODIS Land Surface Temperature using simulated Sentinel-2 imagery
Sanchez, Juan Manuel; Bisquert, Mar; Caselles, Vicente; Garcia-Santos, Vicente
138-143 |
TUE-7 Poster Session |
Use of time-series satellite remote sensing data for assessment of climate and anthropogenic impacts on forest land-cover
Zoran, Maria; Dida, Adrian
144-155 |
Trend Analysis In Cosmo-Skymed Ground And ILS&OPS Segments As Condition Based Maintenance And For New User Needs
Fasano, Luca; De Luca, Giuseppe Francesco; Cardone, Mauro; Loizzo, Rosa; De Luca, Damiano; Rougier, Alessandro
156-161 |
Spatial modelling of Common Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinifurthii) ecological niche in western Rwanda using Remote Sensing and global environmental data
162-172 |
Effect of the transformation between global and national geodetic reference systems on the accuracy of GCPs and CPs for georeferencing satellite images
Andritsanos, Vassilios D.; Gianniou, Michail; Vassilaki, Dimitra I.
173-181 |
The Cosmo-Skymed Background Mission: A Data Archive Of Primary Importance
SACCO, Patrizia; BATTAGLIERE, Maria Liberia; DARAIO, Maria Girolamo; FASANO, Luca; COLETTA, Alessandro
182-190 |
Validating two Theoretical models to predict the emissivity of a pure quartz sample between 8-14 ¦Ěm
Garcia-Santos, Vicente; Niclos, Raquel; Valor, Enric; Sanchez, Juan Manuel; Caselles, Vicente
191-196 |
Changes affecting green space and population. A multitemporal analysis of the Bucharest city
Gaman, Florin; Petrescu, Florian; Parlow, Eberhard; Luca, Oana; Aldea, Mihaela; Sercaianu, Mihai
197-202 |
An approach towards representation of orographic terrain in snow modelling
Harirforoush, Hilda; Aleen, Steve
203-208 |
Evaluation on Equation Models Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Image Fusion with Multispectral Images
Kim, Yeji; Choi, Jaewan; Song, Ahram; Kim, Yongil
209-215 |
An unsupervised change detection using the concept of change vector analysis (CVA) based on spectral similarity measures
Song, Ahram; Choi, Jaewan; Chang, Anjin; Kim, Yeji; Kim, Yongil
216-221 |
Environmental Impact Assessment Follow-up of interchanges: On the exploitation of existing plans and maps for FFLFs-based ground independent geometric correction of aerial images
Vassilaki, Dimitra; Stamos, Thanasis
222-227 |
Pansharpening of VHR images using wavelet based methods
Akoguz, Alper; Hayirsever, Melih; Kent Pinar, Sedef; Seker, Serhat
228-234 |
235-242 |
WED-1 Forestry Remote Sensing - 2 |
The current role of SAR interferometry for mapping and forest biomass assessment in the Brazilian Amazon environment
Santos, Joao Roberto; Gama, Fabio Furlan; Galvao, Lenio Soares; Silva, Camila Valeria de Jesus; Mura, Jose Claudio
243-248 |
Multi-Temporal Pixel Trajectories of SAR Backscatter and Coherence in Tropical Forests
De Grandi, Elsa Carla; Mitchard, Edward; Hoekman, Dirk; Verhegghen, Astrid; Holecz, Francesco; Nieto Quintano, Paula
249-254 |
Interferometric and Polarimetric observations of winter forests
Brown, Ian Anthony; Panagiotopoulou, Dimitra
255-260 |
Analysis of tree height growth with TanDEM-X data
Persson, Henrik J.; Fransson, Johan E.S.
261-266 |
WED-2 Image Processing: Optical Data |
Unsupervised Classification of Satellite Images using KHM Algorithm and Cluster Validity Index
Mahi, Habib; Farhi, Nezha; Labed, Kaouter
267-272 |
WED-4 Oceans, Coastal Zones & Inland Waters |
Deriving river networks for the Nossob and Auob Rivers in the Kalahari Desert from the SRTM DEM and Landsat 8 imagery
Weepener, Harold Louw; van Niekerk, Adriaan
273-278 |
Using inherent properties of seawater absorption for estimation of natural admixtures concentration from data of optical passive remote sensing of sea surface
Rostovtseva, Vera
279-284 |
WED-5 Multitemporal Analysis and Change Detection |
Change Detection and Multi-Temporal Analysis of Gully Erosion in the Tsitsa River Catchment, South Africa, using eCognition Software
Pretorius, Simone Norah; Weepener, Harold L; Le Roux, Jacobus J; Sumner, Paul D
285-291 |
Object-based trend analysis of land use change within a wildlife corridor in India
Platt, Rutherford Vance; Ogra, Monica Vini
292-300 |
THU-2 Disaster Management |
Contribution of satellite data to the development of a downstream emergency response service for flood and related risks in Romania
Stancalie, Gheorghe; Craciunescu, Vasile; Irimescu, Anisora
301-306 |
Monitoring Flooding Damages Caused By Mining Activities
Garcia Millan, Virginia E.; Pakzad, Kian
307-312 |
Anomalous Land Surface Temperature detected from time-series satellite data as precursor of strong earthquake
Zoran, Maria; Savastru, Roxana; Savastru, Dan
313-319 |
Dot Cloud, a Geospatial collaborative platform for Kalideos and the Recovery Observatory
Selle, Arnaud; Gasperi, Jerome; Giros, Alain; Moreno, Richard
320-324 |
Application of Thermal Remote Sensing to the Indonesian Lusi Eruption
Amici, Stefania; Pieri, David; Mazzini, Adriano; Husein, Alwi; Romeo, Giovanni
325-330 |
Plenary Session 4 - Forestry Remote Sensing in Sweden |
Forestry Remote Sensing in Sweden
Olsson, Hakan
331-336 |
Workshop Temporal Analysis |
WSTA-1 Agriculture |
Evaluating the response of the Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) to meteorological drought in an agricultural region of China North Plane
Wang, Yuanyuan
337-342 |
WSTA-2 Glacier, Ice Sheet and Permafrost |
Analysis of temporal signatures on glaciers using optical satellite data
Winsvold, Solveig Havstad; Kaab, Andreas
343-348 |
WSTA-3 Image Processing |
BRDF correction for Landsat TM/ETM+ data over Amazonian forests
Van doninck, Jasper; Tuomisto, Hanna
349-354 |
WSTA-4 Urban |
Driving Force Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Beijing-tianjin Economic Circle of China
Xu, Wen bo; Fan, Jinlong
355-360 |
WSTA-5 Landscape and Vegetation Dynamics |
Military Training and Fire Regime Impacts on Tallgrass Prairie Vegetation Degradation
Jacquin, Anne; Goulard, Michel; Hutchinson, Shawn; Hutchinson, Stacy
361-368 |
Combining niche models and remote sensing to explore short-term habitat suitability temporal dynamics and improving biodiversity monitoring
Goncalves, Joao Francisco; Alves, Paulo; Pocas, Isabel; Marcos, Bruno; Sousa-Silva, Rita; Lomba, Angela; Civantos, Emilio; Monteiro, Ant¨®nio; Honrado, Joao
369-377 |
WSTA-6 Forestry |
Remote sensing indicators of changes in ecosystem functioning related to wildfire disturbances
Marcos, Bruno; Goncalves, Joao; Monteiro, Ant¨®nio; Alcaraz-Segura, Domingo; Cunha, M¨˘rio; Honrado, Joao Pradinho
378-385 |
WSTA-8 Poster Session |
Assessment of Bucharest urban green land-cover changes through time-series satellite data
Zoran, Maria; Savastru, Roxana; Savastru, Dan; Tautan, Marina; Baschir, Laurentiu; Dida, Adrian
386-395 |
Multi-Temporal Pixel Trajectories of SAR Backscatter and Coherence in Tropical Forests
De Grandi, Elsa Carla; Mitchard, Edward; Hoekman, Dirk; Verhegghen, Astrid; Holecz, Francesco; Nieto Quintano, Paula
396-401 |
The dynamics of a city. Over 40 years of change in Bucharest and its detection in multitemporal satellite imagery
Aldea, Mihaela; Petrescu, Florian; Parlow, Eberhard; Iacoboaea, Cristina
402-408 |
Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Urbanization Monitoring and Environmental Impact Assessment in China
Haas, Jan; Ban, Yifang
409 |
WSTA-9 Landuse and Land Cover Change |
Monitoring human-induced land use and land cover changes in the Campos Amazonicos National Park (Brazil) and adjacent areas using NDVI trajectories
Borini Alves, Daniel; P¨¦rez-Cabello, Fernando; Rodrigues Mimbrero, Marcos
410-415 |
Workshop Coastal Zone |
WSCZ-4 Workshop on Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone: Land-Sea Interaction |
Operative Monitoring And Mapping of the Seagrass And Posidonia Oceanica Coastal Ecosystems by Means of the Landsat 8 OLI Satellite Remote Sensing System
Borfecchia, Flavio; Micheli, Carla; Belmonte, Alessandro; De Cecco, Luigi; Martini, Sandro; Cognetti De Martiis, Selvaggia; Gnisci, Valentina; Piermattei, Viviana; Marcelli, Marco
416-429 |
WSCZ-5 Workshop on Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone: New technologies and in situ measurements |
Fluorescence spectroscopy and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography of CDOM from three different Northern Russian lakes
Khundzhua, Daria A.; Patsaeva, Svetlana V.; Trubetskaya, Olga E.; Trubetskoj, Oleg A.; Yuzhakov, Viktor I.
430-453 |
Measurements With High Spatial Resolution of Chlorophyll-A, CDOM and Total Suspended Matter In Coastal Zones And Inland Water Bodies By the Portable UFL LIDAR
Pelevin, Vadim; Zavialov, Peter; Konovalov, Boris; Zlinszky, Andr¨˘s; Palmer, Stephanie; T¨®th, Viktor; Goncharenko, Igor; Khymchenko, Lisa
454-467 |
WSCZ-6 Poster Session |
Sea radiance coefficient spectra obtained by remote sensing from board a ship in the Black, Baltic, Aral and Kara Seas
Goncharenko, Igor; Rostovtseva, Vera; Khlebnikov, Dmitrii; Konovalov, Boris
468-473 |
First field measurements and device improvements for Multi©\spectral Volume Scattering Meter (MVSM)
Ligi, Martin; Reinart, Aivo; T?nnisson, Teofilus; Reinart, Anu
474-479 |
Classifying underwater biotopes with airborne lidar bathymetry and satellite data in the Baltic Sea
Floren, Karl; Tulldahl, H. Michael; Wikstrom, Sofia
480-485 |
Fluorescence of humic substances, carbon dots and biofluids: dependence on excitation wavelength and mechanisms of light emission
Dolenko, Tatiana A.; Kharcheva, Anastasiia V.; Khundzhua, Daria A.; Kuztetsov, Artur I.; Patsaeva, Svetlana V.; Vervald, Alexei M.; Yuzhakov, Viktor I.
486 |