4th EARSeL Workshop on Education and Training
to be organised in the framework of the 33rd EARSeL Symposium

Remote sensing of the earth covers many topics that are significant for natural science disciplines in school and university curricula. Satellite imagery and data derived from satellite sensors enable studies ranging from local phenomena around schools, up to large-scale perspectives showing the diversity of nature in the various climatic regions on earth. This allows thus to point out the dependence between local and global scales. Remote sensing data are used to observe and understand actual conditions on earth, but they also ingested into models allowing the prediction of future developments (e.g., of the climate).
All relevant institutions and interested individuals are invited to participate. In particular the workshop is also addressing the Global Environment and Security (GMES) programme of the European Commission and the European Space Agency. The success of GMES services and information products, especially in the fields of environment, climate change and natural disasters depends on specific training activities which include remote sensing for earth observation as a core element.
Moreover, the workshop will focus on the planned foundation of the International Remote Sensing Academy (IRSA), initiated by EARSeL in early 2012. The goal will be to discuss the strategic framework of the Academy.
EARSeL members interested in the subject of education and training in remote sensing are encouraged to participate in the workshop and to actively contribute with their ideas and suggestions to the concept of the International Remote Sensing Academy.