EARSeL is a scientific network of European remote sensing laboratories, coming from both academia and commercial/industrial sector, which covers all fields of geoinformation and earth observation through remote sensing. All scientists, professionals and researchers involved or interested in the field of the symposium are strongly encouraged to present papers according to the following topics. Authors are requested to submit their abstracts by 4 January 2013.
According to the symposium theme Earth Observation and Social Prospectives contributions are particularly welcome in the following areas:
- EO for improving Smart City management
- Monitoring and protecting biodiversity
- Support of regenerative energy production and transport
- Improving climate observations
- Improving agriculture, water and fisheries management
- Supporting disaster management
Other contributions are invited in one of the following topics:
- Scientific applications of remote sensing, emerging methods and technologies
- Capacity building at organisations and authorities involved in environmental monitoring and protection
- Remote sensing for archaeology
- Land use and land cover, degradation and desertification
- Urban remote sensing
- Open ocean remote sensing
- Natural and man-made disasters
- Forestry and forest fires
- Remote sensing and its associated support to the understanding of climate change
- Hydrological applications: water management, underground water sources, land ice and snow
- 3D remote sensing, Radar, Lidar, Thermal Remote Sensing
- New instruments and methods, including ground truth
The subjects
- Education and training in school, university, and public life
- Remote sensing for cultural and natural heritage
- Remote Sensing of coastal zones and inland waters
- Remote sensing related to assist developing countries: mapping, monitoring and change analysis
are covered in Special Interest Group Workshops held in the framework of the symposium.