15-19 June 2015 KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden


Scientific Committee

Prof. Yifang Ban KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Matthias Braun University Nürnberg-Erlangen, Germany
Prof. Lorenzo Bruzzone University of Trento, Italy
Prof. Jan Clevers University of Wageningen, the Netherlands
Dr. Mattia Crespi University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy
Prof. Fabio Dell'Acqua University of Pavia, Italy
Prof. Manfred Ehlers University of Osnabrück, Germany
Prof. Lars Eklundh Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Håkan Olsson Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, Sweden
Prof. Paolo Gamba University of Pavia, Italy
Assoc. Prof. Ioannis Gitas Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Prof. Rudi Goossens University of Gent, Belgium
Assoc. Prof. Lena Halounova Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Chris Hecker ITC, The Netherlands
Dr. Mario Hernandez UNESCO, Paris
Prof. Juha Hyyppä Finnish Geodetic Institute, Finland
Dr. Karsten Jacobsen University of Hannover, Germany
Prof. Carsten Jürgens Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Assoc. Prof. Susanne Kratzer Stockholm University, Sweden
Dr. Claudia Kuenzer DRL Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Dr. Rosa Lasaponara IMAA-CNR, Tito Scalo, Italy
Prof. Derya Maktav Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Dr. Ioannis Manakos Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece
Salvatore Marullo ENEA Centro Ricerche Frascati, Italy
Dr. Nicola Masini IBAM-CNR, Italy
Dr. Andreas Müller DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Dr. Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Greece
Dr. Antonio Palucci ENEA, Frascati, Italy
Prof. Eberhard Parlow University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Konstantinos Perakis University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
Prof. Antonio Plaza University of Extremadura, Spain
Dr. Rainer Reuter University of Oldenburg, Germany
Prof. Alexander Siegmund University of Education, Heidelberg, Germany
Assoc. Prof. Demetrios Stathakis University of Thessaly,Volos, Greece
Prof. Uwe Stilla Technische Universität München, Germany
Dr. Premysl Stych Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Uwe Sörgel Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Dr. Hannes Taubenböck German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
Dr. Devis Tuia University of Zurich, Switzerland
Assoc. Prof. Piotr Wezyk Agricultural University of Cracow, Poland
Dr. Stefan Wunderle University of Bern, Switzerland
Prof. Xiaojun Yang Florida State University, USA
Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Zagajewski University of Warsaw, Poland

Organising Committee

Professor Yifang Ban KTH Geoinformatics
Assistant Professor Gyozo Gidofalvi KTH Geoinformatics
Mr. Jan Haas KTH Geoinformatics
Mr. Alexander Jacob KTH Geoinformatics
Mr. Osama A Rahman Yousif KTH Geoinformatics
Mr. Deliang Xiang KTH Geoinformatics
Mr. Adrian Corneliu Prelipcean KTH Geoinformatics
Mr. Theo Mugiraneza KTH Geoinformatics
Mrs. Heide Bierbrauer EARSeL Secretariat