
Links to educational websites
The SEOS Project
EARSeL's e-Learning tutorials on earth observation for use in high school,
in the fields of physics, mathematics, geography, biology and engineering.
Download a
publication on SEOS.
ESA Education
The aim is to help young Europeans, aged from 6 to 28, to gain and maintain an interest
in science and technology, with the long-term objectives of contributing towards the creation
of a knowledge-based society and ensuring the existence of a qualified workforce for the Agency
that will ensure Europe’s continued leadership in space activities.
ESA Eduspace
The Eduspace website aims to provide secondary school students and teachers with a learning and teaching tool.
It is meant to be an entry point for space image data, and, in particular, to a widespread visibility of
Earth observation applications for education and training.
ESA School Atlas
Geography from Space, the new ESA School Atlas takes the old subject matter and puts a new spin on it
with real satellite imagery and geographical software.
Climate Detectives
An ESA school project for students between 8 and 15 years old.
Students are challenged to ‘make a difference’ in understanding and protecting Earth’s climate.
LearnEO! Learn Earth Observation with ESA
A holistic framework for EO education with lessons and data sets, image processing software, and resource library.
FIS - Remote Sensing in Schools, a project of the Institute of Geography, University of Bonn
Project outline in English and in German (6 MB pdf files).
Internet-based tutorials in English and in German
Universität Hamburg: Zentrales eLearning-Büro (in German)
publishes the Hamburger eLearning Magazin on distant learning. Issue 5
includes an article on EARSeL's SEOS project.
Links to literature on the internet
SCIENCE EDUCATION for Responsible Citizenship
Report to the European Commission of the expert group on science education. EUR 26893 EN, 88 pp., 2015
(last date accessed: 10 Oct 2015)
Science Education NOW: A Renewed Pedagogy for the Future of Europe
European Commission, High Level Group on Science Education. EUR 22845, 29 pp., 2007
(last date accessed: 10 Oct 2015)
Links to educational organisations
ESERA: European Science Education Research Association
IOSTE: International Organization for Science and Technology Education