
The Special Interest Group Education and Training is a network which initiates and organises joint projects under the umbrella of EARSeL. The aim is to bring the methods and results of remote sensing into the classroom. Participation of teachers from all school levels in these activities is particularly welcomed.
The project Science Education through Earth Observation for High Schools (SEOS) has been the first initiative for using remote sensing in science education curricula in high schools. Funded in 2007-2009 under the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission (EC), eleven EARSeL partners from several European countries in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA) and teachers from European high schools created e-learning tutorials for science students in high schools across Europe.
Read more in the SEOS Tutorials.
Latest News:
September 2018: The SEOS tutorial entitled 'Introduction to Remote Sensing' has been translated to Bulgarian language
and will be published online by end of 2018. It is thus available in English, German, Portugues, Polish and Bulgarian language.
Publications and press releases on SEOS
- Reuter, Rainer: SEOS - Earsel’s project on science education through earth observation for high schools. AMBIÊNCIA, No. 8(4), 583-590, 2012 (2.5 MB, in English)
- Reuter, Rainer: SEOS - Earsel’s project on science education through earth observation for high schools. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XXXVIII-6/W27, 7-10, 2011 (2 MB, in English)
- Interview: Ever-increasing Role for Remote Sensing. GIM International, 2011
- e-Learning met satellietenbeelderen. Science Connection, No. 35, 12-13, 2011 (20 MB, in Dutch)
- Apprendre en ligne grâce à l’imagerie satellitaire. Science Connection, No. 35, 12-13, 2011 (20 MB, in French)
- Reuter, Rainer: Satellitenbilder der Erde für den Unterricht an Gymnasien. Hamburger eLearning-Magazin, No. 5, 57-58, December 2010 (10 MB, in German)