EARSeL & ISPRS Young Scientist Days 2014

accompanied by:
2nd Polish Student Conference on Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
EARSeL & ISPRS Young Scientist Days - Program,
Proposed courses of EARSeL&ISPRS_YSD
The list of courses are closed
EARSeL & ISPRS YSD Workshops- registration, form on-line
The participants for the EARSeL Training Course "Introduction to optical data processing with BEAM".
The participants should aim to download the following to their laptops before the course:
- BEAM VISAT 5.0 from http://www.brockmann-consult.de/cms/web/beam/releases (should also be installed)
- Data sets: a DropBox folder containing 1.66 Gb of data (should also be downloaded it to their laptops) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/85hw3u2e0uyteg6/AABDtDrllOusM3S0dzW-RtZma
Workshop GEOBIA of RS and ALS data with eCognition (TRIMBLE)
In order to participate in the workshop, each participant must have:
1. Notebook with Windows 7 or 8 operation system (64 bit).
Minimum hardware requirements:
- Intel Pentium 4 or compatible / Intel Dual Core or compatible
- NVIDIA or ATI OpenGL graphics card
- 1 GB RAM
- 50 GB available hard disk space
- 1280 x 1024 display.
2. Installed the eCognition Developer Trial 9.0 (Trimble Geospatial) software which can be downloaded on:
After download, simply run the installation file and follow installation instructions.
3. During the workshop each participant will receive a time limited full version of eCognition Developer 9.0 (Trimble Geospatial) software.
The materials for the workshop GEOBIA of RS and ALS data with eCognition (TRIMBLE) - download
Workshop on ALS applications in forestry
Install the software Fusion http://forsys.cfr.washington.edu/fusion/FUSION_Install.exe
Cooperation between EARSeL, ESA and ISPRS aims at a strong and dynamic development of all fields of geoinformatics and earth observation through remote sensing.
All young PhD and MSc. students involved or interested in the field of the geoinformatics, remote sensing, and photogrammetry are warmly invited to participate. The meeting is focused on an international integration of young researches, getting to know new colleagues and to participate in interesting courses and training plus gain experience as oral and poster presenters. PhD and MSc students are strongly encouraged to present papers according to the following topics:
- Photogrammetry
- Scientific applications of remote sensing
- Environmental monitoring and protection
- Natural and cultural heritage
- Remote sensing for archaeology
- Land use and land cover, degradation and desertification
- Urban remote sensing
- Oceans, coastal zones and inland waters
- Natural and man-made disasters
- Forestry and forest fires
- Developing countries: mapping, monitoring and change analysis
- Climate change
- Hydrological applications
- Land ice and snow
- 3D remote sensing
- Radar
- Lidar
- Thermal Remote Sensing
- New instruments and methods
- Remote sensing technology
- Imaging Spectroscopy
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
- Applied Computer Science in Remote Sensing
Preliminary Programme
Joint Sessions with the 34th EARSeL Symposium
Thematic sessions of the EARSeL & ISPRS Young Scientist Days
Courses and trainings for the participants
Selected tutorials shall be recorded on video,
to be published as internet-based lectures on the homepage of
EARSeL SIG Education & Training.
The participants for the EARSeL Training Course "Introduction to optical data processing with BEAM". The participants should aim to download the following to their laptops before the course: - BEAM VISAT 5.0 from http://www.brockmann-consult.de/cms/web/beam/releases (should also be installed) - Data sets: a DropBox folder containing 1.66 Gb of data (should also be downloaded it to their laptops) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/85hw3u2e0uyteg6/AABDtDrllOusM3S0dzW-RtZma
Social events
Bowling competition
The Workshop will be hosted at the University of Warsaw - Old Library, Main Campus
Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, Warsaw, Poland
Abstract Submission
Please submit your contribution through the Conference Management System
following your registration for the EARSeL & ISPRS Young Scientist Days. Contributions will be presented orally and by poster. Both are considered of equal standing and no distinction is made between them in the Conference publications.
Submission due date: 31 March 2014
Registration and payment
Please register for the EARSeL & ISPRS Young Scientist Days in the Conference Management System.
Following registration a Payment Information is available for download, which shall be sent by e-mail to the Conference Secretary Mrs. Monika Kacprzyk
Please add a scanned copy of your student card.
Registration Fees before 15 April 2014 | Registration Fees after 15 April 2014 | |
Presenting authors of oral/poster contributions | € 25 (100 PLN) | € 50 (200 PLN) |
Other participants | € 50 (200 PLN) | € 100 (400 PLN) |
The registration fee includes Proceedings on CD ROM, the abstract book, coffee breaks and lunches.
Presenting authors of EARSeL & ISPRS Young Scientist Days contributions, oral and poster, are requested to transfer the registration fee before 15th April 2014. Otherwise contributions will be removed from the final programme.
For more information please contact the Secretariat: Monika Kacprzyk (monika.kacprzyk@student.uw.edu.pl) or Sylwester Klarowicz (sklarowicz@student.uw.edu.pl).
Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Bedkowski (Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland)
Assoc. Prof. Elzbieta Bielecka (Military Technical Academy, Poland)
Dr. Lena Halounova (Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Dr. Anna Jarocinska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. Eng. Artur Krawczyk (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Dr. Malgorzata Krowczynska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. Lucie Kupkova (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Dr. Rosa Lasaponara (IMAA-CNR, Tito Scalo, Italy)
Dr. Samantha Lavender (Pixalytics Ltd., UK)
Prof. Andrzej Lesniak (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Dr. Ioannis Manakos (EARSeL Chairman, Greece)
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Katarzyna Osinska-Skotak (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Dr. Rainer Reuter (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Dr. Francesco Sarti (ESA, Italy)
Dr. Krzysztof Sterenczak (Forest Research Institute, Poland)
Dr. Premysl Stych (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Dr. Piotr Walczykowski (Military Technical Academy, Poland)
Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Zagajewski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Bedkowski (Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland)
Katarzyna Chelminska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Anna Chlebicka (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. Anna Jarocinska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Monika Kacprzyk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Sylwester Klarowicz (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Marta Kolosowska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. Eng. Artur Krawczyk (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Dr. Malgorzata Krowczynska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. Lucie Kupkova (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Aleksandra Kusiak (University of Warsaw, Poland)
MSc. Marlena Kycko (University of Warsaw, Poland)
MSc. Eng. Michal Lupa (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Dr. Samantha Lavender (Pixalytics Ltd., UK)
Dr. Ioannis Manakos (EARSeL Chairman, Greece)
MSc. Adriana Marcinkowska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Piotr Multan (University of Warsaw, Poland)
MSc. Adrian Ochtyra (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Urszula Pytlak (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Edwin Raczko (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Weronika Rucinska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. Krzysztof Sterenczak (Forest Research Institute, Poland)
Dr. Premysl Stych (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Dr. Piotr Walczykowski (Military Technical Academy, Poland)
Martyna Wietecha (University of Warsaw, Poland)
MSc. Ewa Wilk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Zagajewski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
University of Warsaw Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Student's Association