Preliminary timetable
34th EARSeL Symposium - Program , Schema

Joint Workshop of EARSeL SIGs 3D Remote Sensing and Urban Remote Sensing -
Program, Schema
5th Workshop of EARSeL SIG Geological Applications - Program, Schema

2nd Workshop of EARSeL SIG Forestry - Program, Schema

EARSeL & ISPRS Young Scientist Days - Program, Schema

The participants for the EARSeL Training Course "Introduction to optical data processing with BEAM".
The participants should aim to download the following to their laptops before the course:
- BEAM VISAT 5.0 from (should also be installed)
- Data sets: a DropBox folder containing 1.66 Gb of data (should also be downloaded it to their laptops)
Workshop GEOBIA of RS and ALS data with eCognition (TRIMBLE)
In order to participate in the workshop, each participant must have:
1. Notebook with Windows 7 or 8 operation system (64 bit).
Minimum hardware requirements:
- Intel Pentium 4 or compatible / Intel Dual Core or compatible
- NVIDIA or ATI OpenGL graphics card
- 1 GB RAM
- 50 GB available hard disk space
- 1280 x 1024 display.
2. Installed the eCognition Developer Trial 9.0 (Trimble Geospatial) software which can be downloaded on:
After download, simply run the installation file and follow installation instructions.
3. During the workshop each participant will receive a time limited full version of eCognition Developer 9.0 (Trimble Geospatial) software.
The materials for the workshop GEOBIA of RS and ALS data with eCognition (TRIMBLE) - download
Workshop on ALS applications in forestry
Install the software Fusion
Keynote speakers:
- Prof. Dr. Marek Banaszkiewicz
- Prof. Dr. Zdobyslaw Goraj
- Prof. Dr. Eberhard Parlow
- Dr. Paolo Pasquali
- Dr. Francesco Sarti

Prof. Marek Banaszkiewicz obtained his PhD in theoretical physics (solid state) in 1982 and habilitation in astrophysics in 2000. Full professor since 2011. Employed in Centrum Badan Kosmicznych PAN (CBK PAN) since 1977, Deputy director for science in 2001-2005, Director of CBK PAN since 2006. Lecturer on space science and technology in Warsaw Technical University, Torun University and CBK PAN (for PhD students). Spent 8 years abroad on long term contracts and scholarships in Germany, UK, Spain and Sweden. Delegated national expert in Joint Research Centre of EU in Ispra (Italy) in 2004-2006. Fields of activity: planetology, space technology, Earth observations. Co-I in ESA missions: Ulisses, Rosetta, Herschel, Bepi-Colombo. President of Polish Astronautical Society 1995-2001. Member of Eurisy Council 2006 - 2009. Member of Scientific Council of ISSI 2000-2003, Polish representative in GMES Committee.

Prof. Zdobyslaw Goraj is aircraft designer and specialist in flight dynamics, head of the Aircraft Design Department and course director for Aerospace Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. His major topics of interest cover aircraft design and optimisation, stability and manoeuvrability of flying objects; aircraft performances and flight safety. Member of editorial boards of a few aeronautical journals including J. of Aerospace Engineering, J. of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Aviation and others. Regularly asked for reviews and opinions about submitted papers and international projects, both from Poland and from abroad. Initiator & main organiser of the International Seminars entitled: 'Research and Education for Aircraft Design' (1994-2012). Author of numerous papers (more than 100). Doctor Honoris Causa of 2 foreign universities: Moscow State Aviation Institute and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, AIAA member; ICAS Programme Committee member, member of EASN Board of Directors, visiting professor in ODU(US), Nagoya (Japan), Kingston (UK) and other European Universities. President of Polish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Member of ACARE.

Meteorology, Climatology and Remote Sensing Lab (MCR Lab)
Departement of Environmental Sciences, University Basel
Klingelbergstr. 27, CH-4056 Basel
Professor ordinarius, Head of Research Group
1997 - 2001 Vice-President European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL)
1998 - 2002 President of Commission Remote Sensing, Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (SANW)
2001 - 2003 Member Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) of European Space Agency ESA
2001 - 2005 President European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL)
2005 - Swiss delegate to EARSeL Council
2008 - 2010 Dean Science Faculty, University Basel

Paolo Pasquali, M.Sc. (1990) and Ph.D. (1995) in electrical engineering and remote sensing respectively, Politecnico di Milano in the domain of SAR processing and interferometry. Research Associate at the Remote Sensing Laboratories, Institute of Geography, University of Zurich (1995-1998). Co-founding owner, President and Technical Director of sarmap SA (Switzerland). Remote Sensing Specialist with particular expertise in SAR and SAR interferometry processing, polarimetry, and Remote Sensing applications. Investigator and co-investigator of several ESA and EU projects, and reviewer of several journals in remote sensing. Guest Professor at the Trento University (2003-2010).

Scientific Coordinator of the Education and Training Activities
Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes
V.Galileo Galilei, C.P. 64
00044 Frascati (Italy)
After his Master Degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza, he was hired in 1990 at the Operation Center of the European Space Agency in Germany (ESA/ESOC) in the area of mission analysis and orbit control manoeuvre optimization. He then moved to precise orbit determination and to orbit and attitude control and continued his career at ESA/ESTEC in The Netherlands. He moved to Toulouse, France, in 1997, where he got a Post-graduate Master in Applied Remote Sensing and Image Processing followed by a PhD on the subject of optical-radar remote sensing for the monitoring of surface deformation (University of Toulouse Paul Sabatier). In France, he was first employed by CESBIO (1998) and later by CNES (1999-2001), working as a Project Manager for the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, conducting R&D activities for remote sensing applications to disaster management and natural risk monitoring, interferometric monitoring of several seismic areas and providing training courses in Earth Observation. After a short period at Italian Space Agency (2001) as a technical interface ASICNES for the cooperation COSMO-SkyMed / Pleiades, he joined ESA/ESRIN, in Italy, working in Earth Observation applications; since 2007, he coordinates the Education and Training Activities in Earth Observation.