Special interest groups

The main scientific efforts of EARSeL are concentrated in Special Interest Groups (SIGs). These SIGs form the foundation of the activities of EARSeL and its ‘raison d’être’. They encourage co-operation and foster innovative applications of remote sensing. The science is at its highest level, the state-of-the-art is well established and advances are being made and are foreseen.

The SIGs are very valuable to the scientific community and they are also of great value to the sponsoring bodies. They represent a means to understand and evaluate the major problems to be tackled in the future by the scientific community, their importance and their influence for the citizens in Europe. SIGs can be instrumental in the design and the definition of future space missions.

The SIGs are mainly visible through workshops and special sessions but not only through this! The responsibilities and tasks of the SIG chairpersons are described in the MoU for SIG chairpersons

The election of SIG chairpersons is organized every 4 years. Call for election 2025 is here.

3D Mapping

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Coastal Zones

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Education and Training

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Global South

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Land Ice and Snow

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Remote sensing for UN Sustainable Development Goals

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Radar Remote Sensing

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Urban Systems

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Cultural and Natural Heritage

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Forest Fires

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Geological Applications

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Imaging Spectroscopy

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Land Use & Land Cover

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Thermal Remote Sensing

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Unmanned Aerial Systems

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