7 – 9 February 2017, Bern, Switzerland
Significant parts of IPCC AR5 report on the status of the cryosphere rely on publications, where satellite data are involved. The announced workshop will focus on the latest developments in remote sensing of land ice and snow. Presentations are encouraged on all fields of research and applications with the focus on snow and ice as proxy for changing cryosphere, methods for retrieving cryospheric parameters from various types of remote sensing data, theoretical basis of inversion methods and their application, state of the art of retrieval algorithms, data assimilation of remote sensing data and in situ observations in process models, current and planned sensors for snow and ice, etc. Half of a day will be dedicated to the COST action ES1404 Harmosnow and future activities from ESA (CCI+).
Papers will be presented orally and as posters. Contributions must comply with one of the workshop topics specified below. Please indicate under which session topic your contribution shall be presented.