As part of the EnMAP team you will be responsible for planning and conducting field campaigns in geological study sites and for the further development of software for mineralogical mapping and validation based on imaging spectroscopy data from EnMAP and other satellite missions as well as from airborne campaigns.
Your responsibilities:
Organise and implement field campaigns and collect in-situ data on EnMAP scale in study sites in Greece, Spain and Germany further develop and validate software tools for mineralogical mapping as part of the EnMAP-Box based on PRISMA satellite and airborne imaging spectroscopy data validate the developed tools with EnMAP data after the satellite launch present and publish results at conferences and in international journals
Where: Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (GFZ) German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 1.4 Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics
Application deadline: 31st January 2021
The PhenoFly team within the Crop Science Group at the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS) at ETH Zürich is looking for a new colleague for a doctorate/PhD (100%) to investigate environmental impacts on the phenology of crops. The intended start of the project is Q1 (Feb – April) 2021.
We offer a full time PhD position for 3 years. You will become part of the Phenofly team ( of the Crop Science Group at ETH Zürich ( within the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS). This will allow you to get insights into many topics related to high-throughput field phenotyping and precision agriculture. Additionally, you may join the PhD
program in Plant Sciences (
The salary is according to the ETH standard pay scale.
Organization: Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands (FAAB), Sde Boker Campus, Ben Gurion University.
Requirements: Candidates must demonstrate post-doctoral experience and a substantial record of scientific achievement in one of the above-mentioned topics.
Documents should include: Curriculum Vitae, a Letter of Intent including current and future research activities, a teaching mission statement, and names and contact details of fourrefereesfamiliar with your professional background.
Application Instructions: Please submit the following documents in a single PDF file to Prof. Naftali Lazarovitch at (indicate “Faculty Positionin Remote Sensing” in the subject line)
More information: Here
Positions are at the Department of Geoinformatics (Z_GIS, of the University of Salzburg (
Minimum requirements:
Salary: (depending on education and previous work experience and on the basis of 40 hrs). Range: 30,000 – 35,000 € p.a. gross salary
Starting date: as soon as possible, but no later than Sept 2020
… im Forschungsbereich „Monitoring der Siedlungs- und Freiraumentwicklung“
Unbefristete Stelle am Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung e.V. (IÖR)
Deadline: 30 June 2020
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie, Geographisches Institut, Abt. Kartographie, GIS und Fernerkundung
Deadline: 25.07.2020
Closing date: Tuesday 30th June 2020.
On-line interviews will be held during July 2020 at University of Nottingham and Newcastle University
For general CDT and application enquiries email:
Specific enquiries to or Professor Stuart Marsh (Nottingham: or Professor Jon Mills (Newcastle:
The candidate will draw on the skills of 3 laboratories BRGM, LPG and ONERA. The doctoral student will share its time between BRGM-Orléans (50%) and ONERA-Toulouse (50%).
Start: end of November 2020
Contacts: ,
Objective of the thesis: The objective of this new thesis aims to improve, validate and extend our methodology in order to build a clay hazard map based on hyperspectral airborne acquisitions on an ULM light carrier or drone. To this end, work will focus on an assessment and improvement of the methods of mixing change of scale (change from cm to dm, role of local shadows and sparse vegetation), development of a new research strategy for mixing poles using all of the area covered by an aircraft (contribution of machine learning), evaluation of the contribution of exogenous data (1: 50,000 soil mapping) and / or multi-time acquisitions to improve our estimates, in order to take better account of soil moisture.
Topic: Understanding bumblebee wildflower meadow habitat preferences using multi-scale remote sensing data
Closing date: Monday 4th May 2020
Interview date: Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Venue: Campus: St John’s, Worcester WR2 6AJ, United Kingdom
You can also contact Fleur Visser ( or Kate Ashbrook (
About: A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) specialist for land monitoring: As a researcher you execute and shape applied research in the domain of SAR remote sensing in combination with optical RS data linked to vegetation in the application domains of agriculture and nature. This means that your work will have an emphasis on Remote Sensing-enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables (RS-EBVs) including plant traits such as phenology, biomass, vegetation height and structure, next to monitoring agriculture, crop classifications, crop area estimates, identification farming activities such as mowing, crop yield estimation, and environmental variables (all related to CAP). You will integrate Radar and Optical remote sensing by software engineering (including programming) in applications (e.g. with Sentinel 1 and 2). For this reason you will work closely with other researchers in the field of optical remote sensing, land monitoring, crop yield forecasting, UAVs, big data analysis, and software engineering, within a data driven and quantitative systems approach. You acquire and position your research in a national and international context, in collaboration with colleagues and international partners.
Tasks combine project leadership of smaller to medium-sized projects, project execution (with data, models and remote sensing products), presentation of research results, training, project acquisition together with team mates and customer consultation.
Where: Wageningen Environmental University & Research, The Netherlands
Deadline for application: 28th of February 2020