Scientific Researcher / PostDoctoral Fellow for image analysis (m/f)
The position will be available from 1 August 2017. The employment contract is initially limited to two years. The regular weekly working time will be 39 hours. The salary is based on the collective agreement TVöD-Bund. The place of work is Freiberg.
PhD Student (m/f) for Laser-induced Fluorescence
The position is included within the EIT Raw Materials Project inSPECTor, which aims on the development of an integrated Spectroscopy Sensor System for Laser-induced Fluorescence and Hyperspectral Imaging.
The position will be available from 1 August 2017. The employment contract is limited to three years. The regular weekly working time will be 75 % of the normal collectively agreed work hours under TVöD-Bund. The salary is based on the collective agreement TVöD-Bund. The place of work is Freiberg.
Engineer (m/f) for hyperspectral cameras and drones
The position will be available from 1 August 2017. The employment contract is limited to two years. The regular weekly working time will be 39 hours. The salary is based on the collective agreement TVöD-Bund. The place of work is Freiberg.
Applications are invited for a graduate teaching assistant at the Master’s or Ph.D. level beginning fall 2017 in the Geospatial Information Science and Engineering program of the Dept. of Environmental Resources Engineering at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. The selected applicant will offer 20 hours per week teaching assistance in exchange for a tuition waiver and a stipend sufficient to cover living expenses. The student will be under the guidance of Dr. Giorgos Mountrakis ( The research area is open within the geospatial and remote sensing field, from algorithmic development for terrestrial remote sensing to interdisciplinary geographic studies integrating climatic, land cover and socioeconomic data. Strong quantitative, written and oral communication skills are expected. The position is open to U.S. and international students. Interested applicants are encouraged to fill out this web form after they take their GRE test (
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
We offer you an appointment with renewable duration for a maximum of 6 years.
Pay attention: A part-time assignment of a certain degree of the professorial staff cannot be combined with a part-time assignment of a different degree of the professorial staff within the same institution.
The recruitment is possible no sooner than 1 October 2017.
Ghent University is committed to properly welcoming new professorial staff members and offering them appropriate guidance. The basic teacher training and courses of ‘Dutch’ and ‘English’ for foreign-speaking lecturers are only a few examples of our wide range of training and education opportunities. Furthermore, each Ghent University staff member can count on a number of benefits such as a bike allowance, reimbursement of public transport commuting costs, daycare, a wide range of sports facilities and EcoCheques. A full overview of our employee benefits is listed on our website.
Ghent University also invests in welcoming international professorial staff. It offers various housing options, a relocation bonus, the International School for school-aged children (with a discount on the tuition fee), support when registering at the City of Ghent, support with the procedure of family reunification and other administrative matters in connection with moving to Ghent. More information can be found on and
Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom
Fully funded Phd at Cranfield – with generous stipend for UK residents
(at least 3 years).
*Cloud based imagery services for understanding landscape change to
support opium monitoring in Afghanistan*
Information on illicit poppy cultivation in Afghanistan is of critical
importance to the opium monitoring programme of the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The pattern of cultivation is
constantly evolving because of environmental pressures, such as water
availability, and social and economic drivers related to counter
narcotics activity. Remote sensing already plays a key role in gathering
information on the area of opium cultivation and its spatial
distribution. The shift to cloud computing opens up exciting
possibilities for extracting new information from the huge amounts of
satellite data from long-term earth observation programmes. You will
test the hypothesis that inter-annual and intra-seasonal changes in
vegetation growth cycles are predictors of poppy cultivation risk. This
will involve using emerging cloud based technologies for processing
image data into accurate and timely information on vegetation dynamics
relating to opium cultivation.