Where: Department of Environmental and Life Sciences, Karlstad University, Sweden
The position includes duties such as teaching, supervision, assessment, and development of courses at undergraduate and Master’s level in geomatics and geographic IT, including both on-campus and distance learning courses. Instruction is in Swedish for undergraduate courses, and in English for Master’s level courses. You are expected to be actively involved in furthering the subject and the department with regard to teaching, research and community collaboration. As senior lecturer, you are also expected to contribute to research and develop research activities by, for example, applying for external funding, expanding the current research network and developing collaborations with actors of society and research environments within and outside the university. Leadership assignments may be included in the duties. The position is based in Karlstad.
In order to contribute to a positive working environment and help further the subject’s activities, we expect you to be a present and active part of the day-to-day operations and workplace community.
Qualification requirements:
To be eligible for the position of senior lecturer in geomatics, applicants are required have demonstrated teaching and research expertise. Applicants are also required to hold a PhD or equivalent academic qualifications in geomatics, or other professional qualifications deemed relevant to the nature of the position and the duties included therein.
Pursuant to Karlstad University’s Appointments Procedure, teachers must have the personal qualities required to perform the duties included, as well as completed training in higher education pedagogy. Candidates who have not completed training in higher education pedagogy may still be hired, provided that they do so within two years of employment. For other qualification requirements, please refer to Karlstad University’s Appointments Procedure.
The position requires proficiency in Swedish and English. A candidate who does not meet the requirement of proficiency in Swedish may still be hired provided they are able to actively acquire these language skills.
Applications are invited for a Ph.D. position in the Department of Geography at Harokopio University of Athens.
A Ph.D. position is available to start for an ambitious and talented candidate to contribute to the ongoing research project EO-PERSIST “A Cloud-Based Remote Sensing Data System for Promoting Research and Socioeconomic Studies in Arctic Environments”.
Applications are welcomed for individuals already possessing a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in a relevant field. The deadline for application submission is 30/06/2023.
For informal inquiries and further information on the application procedures please contact Dr. George P. Petropoulos (email: gpetropoulos@hua.gr, tel: 003 0 2109549163).
Job description
A Post-Doc position under the supervision of Prof. Micol Rossini is available at the remote sensing of environmental dynamics lab, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Milano Bicocca.
The position is related to the Project “Development and test of algorithm for vegetation functional parameter retrieval from PRISMA in agro-forestry” funded by the Italian Space Agency.
For more information, please go to PDF.
This is a full-time position (40 hours/week) available for one year, from October/November 2022 to September/October 2023 (extendable). The salary will be 29000 EUR per year, corresponding to approximately 1700 EUR monthly net income.
Interested candidates are encouraged to send inquiries and applications (CV, letter of motivation and the contact of two references) to Prof. Micol Rossini (micol.rossini(at)unimib.it).
The Intelligent Geocomputing Lab at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) is looking for a Ph.D. student to advance remote sensing analysis through the use of deep learning methods.
The position will offer a stipend with health benefits along with a tuition waiver. Extensive experience in machine learning methods and strong programming skills are expected. While familiarity with remote sensing analysis is preferable, candidates with technical backgrounds from other fields and interest in geospatial applications are encouraged to apply.
For more information please visit: www.aboutgis.com/phd_fellow/
Where: Technische Universität Berlin, Geoinformation in Environmental Planning Lab, Berlin, Germany
Application deadline: 17.12.2021
For further questions, please contact Birgit.Kleinschmit@tu-berlin.de
PhD Flyer: PDF
CDT Flyer: PDF
Recruitment open for entry in September 2022!
Where: EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training, Newcastle University and The University of Nottingham
Closing date for applications: 30th January 2022
Infomail: geospatial.cdt@newcastle.ac.uk
The position will focus on Earth observation analyses but will also work collaboratively with other analytical skills, data science and data infrastructure skills across Ecosystems Analysis and Digital and Data Solutions Teams. The current team focus is on analysing EO data for mapping habitat extent, detecting habitat condition, management activities and change in both, and linking these to changes in ecosystem services, but stakeholder needs are diversifying. The post will help build the team’s skills across scales and sensor types within EO but will have a focus on developing practical applications from optical data in the natural environment. Whilst much of the work of the team is terrestrial, some work on marine environments is also possible.
Closing date for this post is 23:55 on Monday, 25 October 2021
The anticipated interview date is week commencing Monday, 15 November 2021
How to apply: https://www.civilservicejobs.service.gov.uk/csr/index.cgi
Where: KU Leuven, Belgium
Deadline: 24 September 2021
For more information, please contact Prof. dr. ir. Maarten Vergauwen, tel.: +32 9 331 65 90, maarten.vergauwen@kuleuven.be
Where: University of Stirling
Salary: Depending on skills and experience, this position is offered at grade 7 or grade 8:
The closing date: for applications is midnight on Sunday 12 September 2021
Interviews: expected to take place on Friday 24 September 2021